Dental decay, if left untreated, can progress deep inside the tooth and end up destroying the pulp tissue. While the conventional method of dealing with an infected tooth is tooth extraction, a root canal is more sustainable because it does not involve removing the remediable tooth.
The root canals of the teeth are comprised of nerves and blood vessels. When decay reaches the pulp tissues of the teeth, they get inflamed and eventually die. Once the pulp tissues decay, it is replaced with pus and other infected materials, causing immense pain and swelling. In severe cases, the infection can also damage the surrounding bone structures causing tooth abscesses.
Also called endodontic treatment, the root canal treatment cleans and sanitizes the root canal by removing the infected tissues. First, the dentist needs to access the pulp tissues by drilling into the upper layer of the teeth. Next, the interior of the tooth is cleaned. This procedure may take multiple visits to complete depending on the tooth that is infected. Once the infected tissues are removed, and the interior of the tooth is cleaned, fillings are placed by the dentist before it is sealed with a crown.
Aftercare, once undergoing the procedure, is very easy. Ensure you refrain from consuming hard foods until the treatment is done. Eating hard food like candies can cause the crown to chip and expose the temporary filling. Maintaining good oral hygiene by regularly brushing and flossing your teeth is also crucial.
The root canal procedure may take multiple sessions to complete. Still, it saves you the trouble of having your infected teeth extracted. This is an excellent option for people who dislike the idea of wearing dentures. And with proper dental hygiene, your root canal treatment will last you a lifetime.